Monday, March 29, 2010

erratic repertoire: the dress for all occasions

I don't typically highlight clothing on my blog, but had to make an exception today for this amazingly creative dress designed for me by Jenna of the blog Erratic Repertoire. This dress is reversible and, due to shape and cut, can be worn in a plethora of styles. I had a little photo shoot in my living room (with my cat Penelope, of course) and modeled a few of the styles that immediately came to my mind. Since this shoot, I've come up with many other iterations that are so fun!

Jenna has some images of a similar dress that she made for herself on her blog, so check it out. Maybe if she opens an Etsy page like I suggested, you can buy one for yourself!


  1. i like that you added the brooch. cute.

  2. I really like the picture with Penelope in it; I don't know if I had told you this. It is art and I would frame it and hang it on my wall, if that weren't too creepy. haha Really though, I love it.
